About Us

Hi! I'm Kristen, the owner/designer/seamstress of KLS Designs! I absolutely love creating beautiful works! You can check out my creations here or in person at different events as I travel around Wyoming, Montana and the west to different shows and events.
Designing and sewing started out of necessity when I was just a teenager - sewing my own clothes and figuring a way to pay for college on my own. As life threw different obstacles our way (husband traveling due to the military and work), I always had sewing! When we landed in Wyoming permanently, I fell even harder for the western lifestyle. Each item I make myself, not mass produced, but made with my hands. I've taken my skills from 15+ years of making show clothes for ladies/girls that show horses, and incorporated the details and precision into my everyday western wear line. I truly hope you find joy in them as much as I do!

This little business started in my college dorm room, then a spare bedroom, and has turned into a family effort! We are all very excited to see where KLS is headed next!